Offer exemplary educational services that are at the
forefront in the use of technology; as well as to form
students with integrity capable of developing
cognitively and socially in an environment where they
develop skills of the 21st century.

To be an institution with a progressive and innovative
educational model, which will lead us to create men and
women capable of progressing and excelling in any part of
the world with a high academic level; thus achieving knowledge
that will be useful throughout their life.
Company Culture

All of our teachers speak English and
Spanish and in addition, many are
trlingual and speak Italian, Portugese,
French, German, and Mandarin Chinese.
Come join our multi-talented team and
earn a certificate in another language.
For those who want to obtain their (GED)
Certificate, LIOTA Prepares students for
the exams in the required core subjects.
Get your GED in a short period of time.
For those who want to succed in
today’s global workplace, this intensive
English instructional course can be
yours within a short period of time.
For those who want to attend American
Colleges, we will prepare you to take
the SAT examination and we will
address the four areas of reading. Social
studies, science, and essay writing.
We can prepare you for the examination
and help you obtain the Duolingo/LIOTA
Certificate. This Certificate opens the
door to employment with the Secretaria
de Educacion Publica (SEP) in Mexico
We have International Students from
Mexico, the United States, Austria,
England and France. We encourage all
students to share in an enjoyable Multi-
Cultural enviroment.
LIOTA offers Art classes in drawing,
painting, sketching, origami; Theater
classes for aspiring actresses or actors;
Dance and Singing classes. You can
make a choice.
We will train you using the concepts and
approaches of Paulo Freire – brilliant
Brazilian profesor. You will learn from
rural community leaders and assist
them in self-determination.
About the school

LIOTA is One-of-a-Kind School and we service the educational needs of students from around the world
We have instructed students in Peru, Mexico, the United States and Austria and
offer a mis of short or long-term courses to improve your all-round-fluency and confidence.
We use videos for instructional purposes and even have our students prepare
their own videos and share amongst ourselves.
We offer accelerated classes such as Computer Aided Design(CAD), Basic Python, HTML and Java Script.

Buba Aragon Davis
Head Master
Buba has a Bachelor of Arts Degree
in Computer Science and speaks
English and Spanish.

Dixie Lee Aragon Chavez
Internation Director
Dixie has a Bachelor’s Degree and
two Master’s Degree, Certificate in
Education Administration and
speaks 3 languages.

Elizabeth Lua Morfin
Direction of Administration
Elizabeth has a Bachelor’s Degree
and has many years experience in
Administrative and Financial

Robert L. Davis Jr.
Chief Financial Officer
Robert is a retired Assistant Chief with
the Denver Fire Department and
speaks English, Spanish and